
Selling what I write had been my goal through several different day jobs, in two different countries.

I still remember the thrill of my first sale, a profile of French caterer Gaston Lenotre.  This piece led to a number of assignments for France Today.  The editor commissioned a cover article on all the English-language bookstores in Paris, then promptly left the magazine. 

Upon return to the USA, I shared my bookstore query with a writers’ group.

“Don’t give up,” said the leader.   “Try an inflight.  Send it email.”

The very next day I received a response, expressing interest in 350 words on one specific bookstore.  The editor must have liked my style because she snapped up the piece.  I earned $350.  My first $1 a word had become reality.

Now I write more important stuff. Recent articles include op-eds warning of toxic chemicals in the environment. I’ve published a short story collection and I’m writing a novel. I write, because write I must. It’s who I am. I’m a writer.

To learn about my process, read this recent interview from Writers Inner Journey.



Out Of This World

Five On The Fifth: The Errand

New World Writing: Buried Treasure

Sybil Journal: The Visit


HuffPost Personals:  After 3 Decades Of Marriage, My Husband Chose To Move Overseas. What Happens To Us Now?

Next Avenue: Barbara Chase-Riboud: Novelist, Poet, Sculptor

Washington Post: Whose ‘Romanoffs’? Not mine.

Better After 50: A Mother Faces The Music At Her Daughter’s Wedding

American Profile: Mustard Seed Kitchen

The Compassion Anthology: Reflections on the Pain of Losing One’s Country

Washington Independent: A Writer by Any Other Name

Washington Independent: A Persuasive Illusion


Washington Independent


Heavy Feather Reviews

Documentary Review in Moxie Magazine